Gross Anatomy Multiple Choice Set 4


The deep lingual artery as it ascends to reach the tip of the tongue has this relationship to the genioglossus muscle:
  1. Lateral
  2. Medial
  3. Deep
  4. Superior
  5. Inferior


Accumulation of food in the right oral vestibule might indicate paralysis of the:
  1. Buccinator muscle
  2. Orbicularis oris muscle
  3. Risorius muscle
  4. Levator anguli oris muscle
  5. Depressor labii inferioris muscle


The floor of the sella turcica lies directly over the:
  1. Foramen ovale
  2. Pons
  3. Basilar portion of occipital bone
  4. Sphenoid sinus
  5. Cavernous sinus


During intra-oral injection to the mandibular foremen, the needle passes through the mucous membrane and buccinator:
  1. Lateral to the pterygomandibular rapine and lateral to the neck of the mandible
  2. Lateral to the pterygomandibular rapine and lateral to the medial pterygoid muscle
  3. Medial to the pterygomandibular rapine and medial to the medial pterygoid muscle
  4. Medial to the pterygomandibular rapine and lateral to the medial pterygoid muscle
  5. Medial to the medial pterygoid muscle and lateral to the neck of the mandible


The insertion of the medial pterygoid muscle is into the:
  1. Pterygomandibular rapine
  2. Coronoid process of mandible
  3. Medial surface of mandibular ramus
  4. Neck of the mandible
  5. Anterior border of mandibular ramus


The parotid duct pierces the buccinator muscle and opens into the oral vestibule usually opposite the:
  1. Maxillary first molar
  2. Maxillary second molar
  3. Mandibular second molar
  4. Mandibular first molar
  5. Maxillary third molar


The innervation of the muscle which uses the pterygoid hamulus as a fulcrum for its contraction is the:
  1. Ophthalmic nerve
  2. Vagus nerve
  3. Glossopharyngeal nerve
  4. Facial nerve
  5. Mandibular nerve


The sublingual fold is formed by,the:
  1. Deep process of submandibular gland
  2. Lingual frenulum
  3. Mylohyoid muscle
  4. Upper margin of sublingual gland
  5. Submandibular duct
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